Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Concealed Carry - Getting Started

Do you know what lurks around that next corner? I don't either. Have you ever thought of getting a permit to carry a concealed handgun?

On April 16, 2007 a horrific tragedy took place on the campus of Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia. Thirty two students and professors were murdered and many more injured in a senseless act of violence. This forever changed the way that I view the world. My wife and I are both Hokie alumni. We still have close ties with Virginia Tech and the Blacksburg community. It is with this in mind that I write this article.

On that day, my sheltered world became an unrealistic dream of the past. I vowed that day that I would do everything I could to prepare myself for such an event. Of course, I hope never to find myself in a situation where deadly force is a consideration, but, it never hurts to try to prepare yourself.

So, where do you start? For me the first step was to get a permit to carry a concealed weapon. I've been a hunter my entire life so I was no stranger to firearms. However, a concealed carry permit was a new ball game. I went to the local gun shop and talked to the staff. They quickly filled me in on the following details:

1. Satisfactory completion of a concealed carry class or a hunter's safety class.

2. Take your Certificate of Completion to the Clerk of the Circuit Court in the locality in which you reside.

3. Fill out the Application for a Concealed Carry Permit

4. Go to the Police Department to get finger printed

5. Wait 30 days for the circuit court judge to approve/deny the permit.

That's it. I was thinking I was going to be interrogated as to my "need" or "desire" for the permit. Nothing could be farther from what happened. Keep in mind that this process ONLY pertains to Virginia. However, I have found that many other states have very similar processes.

I consider myself an "average Joe". I'm fairly laid back and usually light hearted. For me a permit to carry a concealed weapon was a logical first step. For many it's not. If you are unsure I would encourage you to go to your local shooting range and talk to the staff there. They will give you valuable advice and rent you a firearm that will fit your needs. You can shoot as many as you need until you find what works best for you. As a side note, when my wife decided she wanted to go through the process I took her to the range. At the time she had an overwhelming anxiety towards firearms. After the first shot I could see tears welling up in her eyes so I started to pack up and get ready to leave. Much to my surprise, she wanted to stay and keep shooting. Now she shoots better than I do. My hope is that if you do decide to pursue that option you gather as much information as possible. Weigh all the pros and cons and then decide. The decision should not be taken lightly nor should the training and education that goes along with it.

I will be posting additional articles pertaining to carry options, self defense, and non-lethal force. Be well.
I am a sportsman, an outdoorsman, a veteran of the U.S. Army, and a staunch believer in the 2nd amendment. I had an awakening on April 16, 2007.
Please visit http://www.carryconcealedhq.com for additional information.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Teg_Tilman

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4943728

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Best Biometric Gun Safes

Best Biometric Gun Safes 6 Point Power Checklist: How to Choose the Right Safe for Your Home

Imagine this. You're awakened in the middle of the night to the sound of glass windows breaking. You think you hear faint footsteps and a commotion downstairs. You hear the footsteps start to get louder and near your door. What do you do? You reach for your gun but its inside a vault. You fumble in the dark and you panic to get your gun vault open. But in the panic of the moment you can't remember the combination to your lock! This is quite possible everyone's worst nightmare. In a home invasion scenario you have few precious minutes to defend yourself and your family. In these types of scenarios, quick and easy access to your firearm saves the day. By having a biometric firearm vault near your bed, it takes one touch on the fingerprint scanner and less than 1 second to open the fault and arm yourself. This is when investing in the best biometric gun safes matters most.

What are biometric safes?
Biometric safes use biometric technology, a technology developed to use a person's unique physical characteristics to identify and confirm identity. In the case with biometric safes, they use a person's unique fingerprints. Since no two persons have the same fingerprint pattern the system is 100% effective at identifying and confirming identity. In the past, the technology was developed for high-level security systems but with recent innovations, companies made it affordable to bring this technology to the home.

What to look for when shopping for a biometric gun safe. We've compiled a checklist of items to take note when buying a biometric gun safe.

#1 - Check the price. You can spend around $50 for a used cheap biometric gun safe to $300 or more for a top-of-the-line safe.
#2 - Check the maker. The best brands out there are Barska, Protex, Smart Touch, Secure Logic, and Gunvault just to name a few.
#3 - Check the battery life. On average a battery life of 6 months is a good indicator. Also, check for vaults that have a recharging port.
#4 - Check that data is recovered when you change the batteries. You don't want to be inputting information again and again every time your battery runs out.
#5 - Check the warranty of the vault.
#6 - Check for reviews, recalls or testimonials from vault owners as well.

 There are plenty of biometric safes available on the market. What you need to do is research before you buy. Overall, buying the best biometric gun safes is an investment because safety should always come first before cost.
Our site is a clearinghouse of best biometric gun safes including both information to help you purchase a fingerprint gun safe and to help you find a cheap biometric gun safe on the internet. Click on one of those two links to visit our gun safe store and blog.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Doug_Kramer

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5387240

Thursday, February 16, 2012

History of The New Tea Party

It all started when Barack Hussein Obama was elected as the president of the United States. People were sick of morons who got nothing done and put America on the wrong track. Conservatives all over the country were outraged that such an unqualified, and with such un-American beliefs candidate was put in the Oval Office. So as a result of such a problematic situation, conservatives all around America started to organize. It wouldn't matter if you were a crazy conservative, moderate conservative, poor, middle class, rich, what religion you were or even someone part of the government; anyone could be part of this historical movement.
Nothing like this has ever happened in history of the world. There has never been an organization of peaceful people have gathered to spread ideas against the current radical government. This is what makes Tea Party so great. The Tea Party stands for everything that our founding fathers stood for. The American Constitution and the Bill of Rights is a Tea Party member's code of honor. Every day the Tea Party gets bigger and bigger.
In the past few years, all over the country the Tea Party has held events with guest speakers and there has been many people attending those events. Multiple times the Tea Party has stormed Washington DC and of course the liberal media has negated the fact that there was thousands and thousands of people in attendance. One time there was around 30,000+ people that marched on Washington DC and liberal news stations and websites all over the world report that it was only about 5000 people in attendance. They did not show pictures or any proof to back up their statements. (News reporters include CNN, Huffington Post, MSNBC, and there are many others) I went to one of the Tea Party events in DC and they were a ton of people there. They had conservative speakers right near the Capitol building, it was great to see so many people that have the same beliefs as me.
I believe that the liberal media and people like Obama want to downgrade the Tea Party and make it seem irrelevant in the general public's eyes. They don't want people that are clueless about politics to know that there is a movement of that size. If I was Obama I would be trying to downgrade the party as much as I could. Although thank God there is millions of members of the Tea Party and there is only one Obama! It is all up to the American people and that is what makes our country so great!
I believe that due to the help of the Tea Party conservatives will finally topple liberal politicians and put America in the right direction. We need a president like Rick Perry or even Mitt Romney, not some community organizer from Chicago!
Thank you very much for reading my latest post on politics and please visit my blog here http://www.politicalcrush.com/members/rayv/ Thank you for reading my post!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Raymond_J_Veguilla

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6584872
Click Here for more information!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Friday, February 3, 2012

The Need for the Second Amendment

By Gary Wonning

Since the beginning of our country, the second amendment has continuously been under fire. There are always going to be people who think the private citizen shouldn't have guns and be allowed to defend themselves. As much as they are entitled to their own opinion, they are erroneous in their thinking.

They believe a well regulated militia is something akin to our National Guard, and this militia is the one chosen to protect us. Even though the National Guard's objective is to protect the citizenry, in the days of our founding, every male citizen was a part of the militia and as a result it was the private citizen who had the right to bear arms. Any one thinks about it rationally realizes that living in a society where only government employees have guns would not be a good thing. This thinking displays no distrust of our military, but shows a knowledge of how thinking of this kind could lead to disaster.

Our right to bear arms is one of our basic rights, it insures our freedom, the first thing an oppressive government does is take away the arms of its people, thereby rendering them defenseless. The government can then do whatever it wants without fear of reprisal.
Even under the most ideal circumstances, we really can't depend on the government for our personal protection. As well meaning and efficient as the local law enforcement authorities may be, they simply can't be every place at the same time.

Suppose someone breaks into your house, in almost every case it is going to take the law enforcement officers at least ten minutes to arrive at your humble abode, what are you going to do in the mean time, sit down and have tea and crumpets with your intruder?
This is something most people never think about and rightfully so, it is something many people don't like to face. No one wants to confront a criminal, it is much easier for some one else to do it for us. The problem is, in most cases, there is no one else. If we don't do it, no one will, and people we know and love, including ourselves can wind up hurt or killed.

This doesn't sound like a very good option to me. Ask the career criminal what they most fear, the number one fear is the homeowner having a firearm, the second fear is a dog, and the third fear is they may call the police. Calling the police is way down the list as the criminal knows that by the time the police arrive, the chances are pretty good, they will be long gone.
Many times the homeowner will have a small sign stating they have one of the major security systems installed when they really don't, all they have is a sign. I think an even better sign would be stating,"This property insured by Smith and Wesson." This would deter even more crime. Most times the weapon never has to be used, most criminal are cowards, the threat is more than enough to drive them away.
My blog contains many articles based on the common sense of my ancestors, much of which has been lost in today's world. I feel to survive as a country and a world, we all need to start living by some of the values that have in time been lost.

http://www.uncommoncommonsense.com Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gary_Wonning Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6637098

Wednesday, February 1, 2012