Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Threat of Your 2nd Amendment Right

By Jackson Lupe
Up to 2 million cases of self-defense occur every year. Some would argue that gun control laws would reduce this number, however, many argue the heart of the Bill of Rights would cease to exist if politicians were able to pick and choose which rights our country should honor, which puts all of our civil rights at risk. The right to defend ones self is a basic human right.

The specific definition of self-defense varies from state to state. The basic definition, however, states that there must be a threat to your life. Self-defense usually is justified if your life or health is in immediate danger requiring you to overcome your assailant using force.

Current law requires background checks on purchasing weapons, waiting periods, and enforces minimum age requirements. Guns remain relatively easy for criminals to access by illegal means, and would be no easier to control with even tougher limits or abolishment of guns. While there is a concern about criminal activity, there is no way to remove hundreds of millions of guns currently available, so regardless of the laws government could place on citizens, the crime rate would likely remain at the current level. Many Second Amendment supporters believe the crime rate would increase and remove the ability to defend ones self.

In 1991, the Department of Justice conducted a survey of the State Prison inmates. The below information clearly shows that gun control is not the way to prevent criminals from accessing guns. 95% of inmates obtained a weapon by illegal means, as shown below:

Family or friends....................31%
Black market or fenced...........28%
Retail outlet.........................27%
Theft.................................. 9%
Other.................................. 5%

We have the right to protect ourselves against these offenders. Without this right, criminals will always have the upperhand against law-abiding citizens.

Regardless of one's position on Gun Control, it is agreed that gun safety is one of the most important methods for reducing the number of gun deaths. Families that own guns have a responsibility to keep them under lock and key. In addition, firearms education makes gun ownership significantly safer. For more information on your 2nd Amendment rights, check out

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